If, like me, you add videos to your Watch Later list on YouTube then you’ve probably ended up with a list that is just too big to handle and you want to delete them all, right? Right?! Well the reason you’ve stumbled upon this post is because YouTube don’t have an option to remove all…
Category: Misc
All of my posts that don’t fit a category.
Why I Invested in Cazoo
Cazoo. Chances are you have heard the name; whether that’s from the TV or radio adverts, or the sports sponsorship’s, or even just word of mouth. If you haven’t heard of them, where have you been all this time? To give you a brief overview, Cazoo is an online platform that allows you to buy…
February in a Nutshell
Rain, war, rain, snow, covid, more rain and even more rain! That pretty much sums it up I’d say.
Things to do in Isolation
We’ve been in isolation for little over a week now and I’ve lost count for the amount of people saying that they don’t know what to do. I’m going to put together a few things that could potentially help you get through this and who knows; maybe you’ll get something out of it. Learn to…
Coronavirus (COVID19) UK Edition
If you’ve been keeping an eye on Worldometer like me, then you’ll already know what is happening and won’t need to read on. If not, then you’re probably asking; what is going on? Should I be worried? Here is information provided by the NHS in the UK. COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect…
Words on Wednesday (6th March)
I took 2 weeks off from doing this, but have decided to start it back up. Here are the weird and wonderful words for today! PolysemyThe ambiguity of an individual word or phrase that can be used (in different contexts) to express two or more different meanings. PaleobotanyThis refers to the study of fossil plants….
Words on Wednesday (13th Feb)
This week’s words are brought to you from New York City baby! DiscombobulatingThis is a word which means to confuse the issue or matter, or to make things generally confusing. GarrulousThis refers to someone who talks too much about something of no particular importance. It can be used to refer to someone who jabbers or…
Words on Wednesday (6th Feb)
This post is a bit of a special one; in that I’m only going to be listing 5 words that have more than 20 characters. Here they are. PneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisThis is the terminology for a lung disease that is contracted from the inhalation of volcanic dust. FloccinaucinihilipilificationThe act or habit of describing or regarding something as…
Words on Wednesday (30th Jan)
ElucidateThis is a great word to be armed with if you’re making a complaint, for it means to explain, clarify, reveal, expose, make clear, shed light on, spell out, illustrate. It comes from the Latin word lucidus (‘bright’, ‘clear’). ImpromptuThis refers to something that’s spontaneous, unplanned, unrehearsed, offhand, spur-of-the-moment, unprepared, off-the-cuff, ad lib, unpremeditated. It…
Words on Wednesday (22nd Jan)
AvuncularThis word describes an ‘uncle-like gesture’, or the characteristic concern and kindness usually attributed to a kind-hearted uncle, in a positive, complimentary way. It derives from the Latin word Avunculus (‘maternal uncle’). OctogenarianThis word describes someone who is in his or her eighties. Octogenarian comes from the Latin word Octogenarius (‘eighty’). SanguineThis means optimistic, confident,…