This is a great word to be armed with if you’re making a complaint, for it means to explain, clarify, reveal, expose, make clear, shed light on, spell out, illustrate. It comes from the Latin word lucidus (‘bright’, ‘clear’).
This refers to something that’s spontaneous, unplanned, unrehearsed, offhand, spur-of-the-moment, unprepared, off-the-cuff, ad lib, unpremeditated. It comes from the Latin word promptu (‘readiness’).
A word used to describe someone’s funny little ways; an action or a thought associated with a certain person. It comes from the Greek word idios (‘private’).
This word is of Greek origin and it is used to describe someone who is terse, concise and of few words, or someone who uses words economically. In ancient Greece, the city of Sparta was in Laconia, whose inhabitants were well known for their brevity of speech.
This word refers to a morbid dislike or fear of strangers and their customs. It comes from the Greek word xenos (‘stranger’).
If you have any words that you would like to share, please do Tweet me!