It’s so cold, all the time. Is this what it feels like getting old? Or has working from home for the last two years changed my internal temperature? I think it must be an age thing. Ten or so years ago I was thriving in the cold and hated the sun with a passion. Can’t see how I got anything done…
Quick update on what is happening with me at the moment:
- Been preparing for my Security+ Exam
- Awaiting a follow-up investigation by my surgeon
- Booked to go back to Lakka in 2023 (Covid dependent)
Probably need to elaborate a little on those…
Security+ is an exam I am aiming to take to gain the certification needed to be accepted for most CyberSec roles. It has been a passion of my for as long as I can remember, so I decided to finally take the plunge.
Follow-up Investigation – I recently went to see my surgeon after I have been having some complications with my pouch, as well as the excruciating pain that has come with it. He threw some ideas at me:
- Severe pouchitis
- Scar Tissue
- A rare form of Crohns
Now if you are familiar with UC and having a pouch, you’ll know that my entire bowel and large intestine were removed, so technically Crohns should even be possible. I questioned it and apparently it’s extremely rate to happen, but it can. I’ll hopefully have more on this soon, but in short he will need to go in Laparoscopically and if necessary, remove the pouch and back to a permanent bag.
Finally, we booked to go back to Lakka in 2023. Completely dependent on whether Covid has destroyed everything by then, but we loved it so much that we’d very much like to do it again.
That concludes my update for now, hopefully more to follow.