This email has been doing the rounds for some time now but I thought I would write about it as people are still falling for it and paying up, only to realise that it was a scam.
The email I am referring to looks like this;-

From the image, you can see that it is very generic. If they have been watching you for so long, why is it that they don’t address you by your name?
The way they get to you in this email is purely on the basis of chance. If, like the 99% of the population, you visited an adult website and did in fact have a webcam that you don’t cover, then they may successfully grab your attention.
My advice is to ignore these email. Mark it as spam and then delete it. You will find that absolutely nothing will happen. No video of you will be released, as it doesn’t exist.
If you really are in doubt, drop me a tweet with a screenshot of the email and I can tell you if it’s fake.
I had a look at a couple of things from my email and thankfully no one has paid into the account that they provided, but looking deeper, it appears that the email originated from an “internet shop” in Brazil.
Here is the shop on Google:
Here is the IP address of the sender:
Security is something that I enjoy as a hobby, but if it’s something that you want to see more of, let me know.